Weissel J., Peirce J., Taylor E., Alt J. and Shipboard Scientific Party, Volume 121: Scientific Results, Sites 752-758, Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge, Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1-990, 1991.
Frey F.A., Jones W.B., Davies H. and Weis D., Geochemical and petrologic data for basalts from Sites 756, 757 and 758: implications for the origin and evolution of the Ninetyeast Ridge, In Weissel J., Peirce J., Taylor E., Alt J. et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 611-659, 1991.
Weis D. and Frey F.A., Isotope geochemistry of Ninetyeast Ridge basement basalts : Sr, Nd and Pb evidence for the involvment of the Kerguelen Hotspot, In Weissel J., Peirce J., Taylor E., Alt J. et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 591-610, 1991.
Saunders A.D., Frey F.A., Gibson I.L. and Weis D., Interlaboratory geochemical reference standards: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 121, In Weissel J., Peirce J., Taylor E., Alt J. et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 121: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 585-590, 1991.
Demaiffe D., Moreau C., Brown W.L. and Weis D., Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd and Pb) evidence on the origin of the anorthosite-bearing anorogenic complexes of the Aïr Province, Niger, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 105, 28-46, 1991.
Weis D., Frey F.A., Saunders S.A., Gibson I. and Leg 121 Shipboard Scientific Party, The Ninetyeast Ridge (Indian Ocean) : a 5000 km record of a DUPAL mantle plume, Geology, 19, 99-102, 1991.
Gautier I., Weis D., Mennessier J.-P., Vidal P., Giret A. and Loubet M., Petrology and geochemistry of Kerguelen basalts: evolution of an hotspot from a ridge to an intraplate position, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,100, 59-76, 1989.
Weis D., Bassias Y., Gautier I. and Mennessier J.-P., Kerguelen Plateau (South Indian Ocean): Isotopic study of MD48 dredge basalts : Kerguelen type signature, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53, 2125-2131, 1989.
Leg 121 Shipboard Scientific Party , Leg 121 traces rifting and hot spots, Geotimes, 33, 9-11, 1988.
Demaiffe D., Weis D., Tournay M., Hertogen J. and Michot J., Petrography, geochemistry and Sr-Pb isotope composition of basalts from the Western Indian Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project – Sites 235, 236, 239 and 240), Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 110, 335-345, 1988.
Leg 121 Shipboard Scientific Party, A tale of two ridges, Nature, 335, 593-594, 1988.
Bassias Y., Davies H., Leclaire L. and Weis D., Basaltic basement and sedimentary rocks from the southern sector of the Kerguelen-Heard plateau: new data. Meso-cenozoic paleogeography and geodynamic implications, Bull. Museum Hist. Nat., Section C 4, 367-403, 1987.
Javoy M. and Weis D., Oxygen isotopic composition of alkaline anorogenic granites as a clue to their origin: the problem of crustal oxygen, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 84, 415-422, 1987.
Rossman G.R., Weis D. and Wasserburg G.J., Rb, Sr and REE concentration analyses in quartz, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 2323-2330, 1987.
Weis D., Demaiffe D., Cauët S. and Javoy M., Sr, Nd, O and H isotopic ratios in Ascension lavas and plutonic inclusions: cogenetic origin, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 82, 255-268, 1987.
Weis D., Liégeois J.-P. and Black R., Tadhak alkaline ring-complex (Mali): existence of U-Pb isochrons and ‘Dupal’ signature 270 Ma ago, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 82, 316-322, 1987.
Weis D. and Wasserburg G.J., Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry and chronology of cherts from the Onverwacht Group (3.4AE), South Africa, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 973-984, 1987.
Weis D. and Wasserburg G.J., Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systematics of cherts and other siliceous deposits, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 959-972, 1987.
Demaiffe D., Weis D., Michot J. and Duchesne J.-C., Isotopic constraints on the genesis of the anorthosite suite of rocks, Chem. Geol., 57, 167-179, 1986.
Weis D., Liégeois J.-P. and Javoy M., The Timedjelalen alkaline ring-complex and related N-S dykes swarms (Adrar des Iforas, Mali). A Pb-Sr-O study, Chem. Geol., 57, 201-215, 1986.
Weis D., Genetic implications of Pb isotopic geochemistry in the Rogaland igneous complex (S.W.Norway), Chem. Geol.,, 57, 181-199, 1986.
Duchesne J.-C., Roelandts I., Demaiffe D. and Weis D., Petrology and trace element geochemistry, including REE, Sr, and Pb isotopes of monzonoritic dikes in the Rogaland anorthositic province (S.W.Norway): evidence of variable crustal contributions, Contr. Min. Petrol., 90, 214-225, 1985.
Weis D. and Demaiffe D., A depleted mantle source for the kimberlites from Zaire: Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope evidence, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 73, 269-277, 1985.
Weis D. and Deutsch S., Mantle origin with slight upper crust interaction for alkaline anorogenic complexes: Nd and Pb isotope evidence from the Seychelles granites and their xenoliths, Isot. Geosci. 2, 1, 13-36, 1984.
Michot J., Weis D. and Demaiffe D., The granitic rocks and the development of the continental crust, Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 107, 15-25, 1984.
Weis D. and Demaiffe D., Pb isotopic geochemistry of a massif-type anorthositic-charnockitic body: the Hidra Massif (Rogaland, S.W.Norway), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 1405-1413, 1983.
Weis D. and Demaiffe D., Age relationships in the Proterozoic high-grade gneiss regions of southern Norway: discussion and comment, Prec. Res., 22, 149-155, 1983.
Cauët S. and Weis D., Lead isotopic study of a lead-zinc vein mineralization and its host sediments (Heure, Belgium): basis for a genetic model, Econ. Geol., 78, 1011-1016, 1983.
Weis D., Pb isotopes in Ascension Island rocks: oceanic origin for the gabbroic to granitic plutonic xenoliths, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 62, 273-282, 1983.
Demaiffe D., Deutsch S. and Weis D., Pilotage automatique d’un spectromètre de masse à source solide et traitement informatisé des données. Applications en géochronologie, Bull. Soc. belge Géol., 92, 351-356, 1983.
Cauët S. and Weis D., Modèle génétique et incidence sur la prospection des gîtes Pb-Zn belges en milieux carbonatés, Bull. Soc. belge Géol., 92, 77-87, 1983.
Cauët S., Weis D. and Herbosch A., Genetic study of Belgian Pb-Zn mineralizations in carbonate environments through lead isotopic geochemistry, Bull. BRGM, 114, 329-341, 1982.
Weis D., Composition isotopique du plomb total de roches: méthodologie, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 90, 1127-1140, 1981.
Weis D., De Jonghe L. and Herbosch A., Les associations des minéraux opaques et semi-opaques de la roche ignée de la Helle, Ann. Soc. Géol. Belgique, 103, 15-24, 1980.