e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

Harrison, L.N. et al. 2020

Harrison, L.N., Weis, D., Garcia, M.O., 2020. The multiple depleted mantle components in the Hawaiian-Emperor chain. Chemical Geology, 532, 119324.

Williamson, N.M.B. et al. 2019

Williamson, N.M.B., Weis, D., Scoates, J.S., Pelletier, H., Garcia, M.O., 2019. Tracking the Geochemical Transition Between the KeaDominated Northwest Hawaiian Ridge and the Bilateral LoaKea Trends of the Hawaiian Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems20, 4354-4369.

Harrison, L. N., and Weis, D. 2018.

Harrison, L. N., and Weis, D. 2018. The Size and Emergence of Geochemical Heterogeneities in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume Constrained by Sr‐Nd‐Hf Isotopic Variation Over ∼47 Million Years. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19 (8), 2823-2842.

Harrison L., Weis D., Garcia MO. 2017

Harrison L., Weis D., Garcia M.O. 2017. The link between Hawaiian mantle plume composition, magmatic flux, and deep mantle geodynamics. Earth Planet Sci. Letters 463, 298-309.