Scoates J. S., Lo Cascio M., Weis D., Lindsley D.H. Experimental Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Mildly Alkalic Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Southeast Indian Ocean. Contr. Min. Petrol., 151, 582-599, 2006.

Scoates J. S., Lo Cascio M., Weis D., Lindsley D.H. Experimental Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Mildly Alkalic Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Southeast Indian Ocean. Contr. Min. Petrol., 151, 582-599, 2006.
Doucet S., Scoates J.S., Weis D., Giret A. Constraining the Components of the Kerguelen Mantle Plume: A High-Precision Hf-Pb-Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of Picrites and High-MgO Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, Q04007, doi:10.1029/2004GC000806, 2005.
DePaolo, D. J. and Weis D. Hotspot Volcanoes and Large Igneous Provinces, in Continental Scientific Drilling: A Decade of Progress, and Challenges for the Future, Editors: U. Harms, C. Koeberl & M.D. Zoback, Springer, p. 259-288, 2007.
Doucet S., Moreira M. Weis D., Scoates J.S., Giret A., Allègre C.J. Primitive Neon and Helium Isotopic Compositions of High-MgO Basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago (Indian Ocean): Evidence for a Deep Source for the Kerguelen Plume. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 241, vol. 1-2, 65-79, 2006.
Doucet S., Weis D., Scoates J.S., Debaille V., Giret A. Geochemical and Hf-Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on the origin of the Amsterdam-St. Paul plume and the relatively high 206Pb/204Pb component in Amsterdam-St. Paul hotspot basalts, Earth Planet. Sci Lett., 218, 179-195, 2004.
Frey F.A., Nicolaysen K. and Weis D. The Kerguelen Archipelago: a 40-million-year record of volcanism derived from the Kerguelen mantle plume. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 33, 278-283, 2004.