e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

1992 – 1997

Weis D., Demaiffe D., Souchez R., Gow A.J. and Meese D.A., Ice sheet development in Central Greenland: implications from the Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of basal material, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 150, 161-170, 1997.


Grégoire M., Lorand J.P., Cottin J.Y., Giret A., Mattielli N., and Weis D., Petrology of Kerguelen mantle xenoliths: evidence of a strongly refractory oceanic mantle percolated my basaltic melts, European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 1085-1100, 1997.


Barling J., Hertogen J. and Weis D., Whole-rock geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Pb-isotopic characteristics of undeformed, deformed and recrystallized gabbros from Sites 921, 922 and 923 in the Mark Area, In Karson, J.A., Cannat M., Miller, D.J., and Elthon, D. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 153: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 351-362, 1997.


Frey F.A. and Weis D., Reply to the Class et al. discussion of “Temporal Evolution of the Kerguelen Plume: Geochemical Evidence From ~38 to 82 Ma Lavas Forming the Ninetyeast Ridge”, Contr. Min. Petrol., 124, 104-110, 1996.


Seifert K., Gibson I., Weis D. and Brunotte D., Geochemistry and petrology of ODP Leg 149 Hole 900A metamorphosed cumulate oceanic gabbros from the Iberia Abyssal Plain, In Whitmarsh, R.B., Sawyer, D.S., Klaus, A. and Masson, D.G. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., 149: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 471-488, 1996.


Weis D. and Frey F.A., Role of the Kerguelen Plume in generating the eastern Indian Ocean seafloor, Jour. Geophys. Res., 101, 13,831-13,849, 1996.


Mattielli N., Weis D., Grégoire M., Mennessier J.-P., Cottin J.Y. and Giret A., Kerguelen basic and ultrabasic xenoliths: Evidence for long-lived Kerguelen hotspot activity, Lithos 37, 261-280, 1996.


Valbracht P., Honda M., Mattielli N., McDougall I., Ragettli R., and Weis D., Differences between helium and neon isotope systematics in Kerguelen xenoliths: implications for mantle sources, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 138, 29-38, 1996.


Grégoire M., Cottin J.Y., Mattielli N., Nicollet C., Weis D. and Giret A., The Kerguelen archipelago : an hypothetic continental mafic protolith, Terra Antarctica, 2 (1), 1-6, 1995.


Zhou X., Bingen B., Demaiffe D., Hertogen J., Liégeois J.-P., Michot J. and Weis D., The Hidderskog meta-charnockite (Vest-Agder, SW. Norway): an 1160 Ma old a-type pluton. Implications for the Sveconorvegian belt, Lithos, 36, 51-66, 1995.


Frey F.A. and Weis D., Temporal Evolution of the Kerguelen Plume: Geochemical Evidence From ~38 to 82 Ma Lavas Forming the Ninetyeast Ridge, Contr. Min. Petrol., 121, 12-28, 1995.


Weis D. and Préat A., Variations du niveau marin dans le Dévonien carbonaté de Belgique: approches géochimique et isotopique (Deuxième partie) Mém. Soc. géol. France, special issue “Carbonates intertropicaux ….”165, 5, 485-497, 1994.


Préat A. and Weis D., Variations du niveau marin dans le Dévonien carbonaté de Belgique: approches sédimentologique et séquentielle (Première partie), Mém. Soc. géol. France, special issue “Carbonates intertropicaux ….”165, 5, 469-483, 1994.


Weis D. and Giret A., Kerguelen plutonic complexes: Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic study and inferences about their sources, age and geodynamic setting, Mém. Soc. géol. France, special issue ‘Géologie, Géochimie et Géophysique des Kerguelen’ 166, 47-59, 1994.


Schiano P., Clocchiatti R., Shimizu N.,Weis D. and Mattielli N., Cogenetic silica-rich melt and carbonate-rich melt trapped in minerals from Kerguelen ultrabasic xenoliths: Implications for oceanic upper mantle metasomatism, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 123, 167-178, 1994.


Grégoire M., Mattielli N., Nicollet C., Cottin J.-Y., Leyrit H., Weis D., Shimizu N. and Giret A., Oceanic mafic granulite xenoliths from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Nature, 367, 360-363, 1994.


Bingen B., Demaiffe D., Hertogen J., Michot J. and Weis D., K-rich calc-alkaline augen gneisses of Grenvillian age in S.W. Norway: mingling of mantle-derived and crustal components, Journal of Geology, 101, 763-778, 1993.


Weis D., Frey F.A., Leyrit H. and Gautier I., Kerguelen Archipelago revisited: Geochemical and isotopic study of the SE Province lavas, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 118, 101-119, 1993.


Class C., Goldstein S., Galer S. and Weis D., Young formation age of a mantle plume source, Nature, 362, 715-721, 1993.


Weis D., Role of the Kerguelen Plume in the geochemical evolution of the Indian Ocean mantle, Revue des Alumni LXIII, 1-46, 1992.

Other publications

DePaolo, D. J. and Weis D. Hotspot Volcanoes and Large Igneous Provinces, in Continental Scientific Drilling: A Decade of Progress, and Challenges for the Future, Editors: U. Harms, C. Koeberl & M.D. Zoback, Springer, p. 259-288, 2007.

Arndt N. and Weis D., Oceanic plateaus as windows to the Earth’s Interior: an ODP success story, Joides Journal, Special Issue, 28, 79-84, 2002.

Frey F.A., Weis D. and Salters V.J.M., History of a long-lived mantle plume in the Southern Indian Ocean, ODP GreatestHits, JOI, 1997.

Grégoire M., Cottin J.Y., Giret A., Mattielli N., and Weis D., Metazomatized refractory upper mantle and deep magmatic intrusions beneath the Kerguelen Islands revealed by ultrabasic and basic xenoliths, In Demaiffe D. (Ed.) Petrology and geochemistry of magmatic suites of rocks in the continental and oceanic rocks. A volume dedicated to Professor Jean Michot, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Royal Museum for Central Africa, 371-384, 1996.

Bernard A., Knittel U., Weber B., Weis D., Albrecht A., Hattori K., Klein J. and Oles D., Petrology and geochemistry of the 1991 eruption products of Mt. Pinatubo (Luzon, Philippines), In Punongbayan, R.S. and Newhall, C.G., Eds. Fire and mud eruptions and lahars of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, Univ. of Washington Press, Seattle, 767-797, 1996.

Weis D., White W.M., Frey F.A., Duncan B., Dehn J., Fisk M., Ludden J., Saunders A. and Storey M., The influence of mantle plumes in generation of Indian Ocean crust, In: Synthesis of results from the Scientific Drilling in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Monograph 70,, AGU, 57-89, 1992.

Government Publications

Breitsprecher K, Scoates JS, Anderson RG, Weis D (2006) Geochemistry of Mesozoic Instrusions, Quesnel and Stikine Terranes (NTS 082; 092; 093), South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Characterization of Sampled Suites. Geological Fieldwork 2006, Paper 2007-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 247-257.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, Nixon GT and Weis D (2006) Picritic lavas and basal sills in the Karmutsen flood basalt province, Wrangellia, northern Vancouver Island. In: B Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2005, Paper 2006-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 39-52.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, Weis D, and Israel S (2005) Flood basalts of the Wrangellia Terrane, southwest Yukon: implications for the formation of oceanic plateaus, continental crust and Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization. In DS Emond, LL Lewis and GD Bradshaw (eds.) Yukon Exploration and Geology 2004, Yukoon Geological Survey, p. 109-120.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, and Weis D (2005) Wrangellia Terrane on Vancouver Island: distribution of flood basalts with implications for potential Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization in southwestern British Columbia. B.C. In: B Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2004, Paper 2005-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 209-220.


Weis D., Geochemical evolution of the Indian Ocean mantle: Dupal anomaly and role fo the Kerguelen Plume, Habilitation thesis, University of Brussels, ~ 400 pp, 1992.


Préat A. et Weis D., Etude des variations du niveau marin dans le Paléozoïque Supérieur du Synclinorium de Dinant : Approches sédimentologique (Stratigraphie séquentielle) et géochimique (isotopes du strontium), Rapport pour le programme NAT/91 – 10.2, “Changement Global” – Service Géologique/SPPS, 49 pages + annexes, 1992.