e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

Government Publications

Breitsprecher K, Scoates JS, Anderson RG, Weis D (2006) Geochemistry of Mesozoic Instrusions, Quesnel and Stikine Terranes (NTS 082; 092; 093), South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Characterization of Sampled Suites. Geological Fieldwork 2006, Paper 2007-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 247-257.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, Nixon GT and Weis D (2006) Picritic lavas and basal sills in the Karmutsen flood basalt province, Wrangellia, northern Vancouver Island. In: B Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2005, Paper 2006-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 39-52.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, Weis D, and Israel S (2005) Flood basalts of the Wrangellia Terrane, southwest Yukon: implications for the formation of oceanic plateaus, continental crust and Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization. In DS Emond, LL Lewis and GD Bradshaw (eds.) Yukon Exploration and Geology 2004, Yukoon Geological Survey, p. 109-120.


Greene AR, Scoates JS, and Weis D (2005) Wrangellia Terrane on Vancouver Island: distribution of flood basalts with implications for potential Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization in southwestern British Columbia. B.C. In: B Grant (ed.) Geological Fieldwork 2004, Paper 2005-1, British Columbia Ministery of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, p. 209-220.


Weis D., Geochemical evolution of the Indian Ocean mantle: Dupal anomaly and role fo the Kerguelen Plume, Habilitation thesis, University of Brussels, ~ 400 pp, 1992.


Préat A. et Weis D., Etude des variations du niveau marin dans le Paléozoïque Supérieur du Synclinorium de Dinant : Approches sédimentologique (Stratigraphie séquentielle) et géochimique (isotopes du strontium), Rapport pour le programme NAT/91 – 10.2, “Changement Global” – Service Géologique/SPPS, 49 pages + annexes, 1992.