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McMillan, R., Amini, M., Weis, D., 2019. Splitting obsidian: Assessing a multiproxy approach for sourcing obsidian artifacts in British Columbia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 102040.
Williamson, N.M.B., Weis, D., Scoates, J.S., Pelletier, H., Garcia, M.O., 2019. Tracking the Geochemical Transition Between the Kea‐Dominated Northwest Hawaiian Ridge and the Bilateral Loa‐Kea Trends of the Hawaiian Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 4354-4369.
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McMillan R., Snoeck C., de Winter NJ., Amini M., Claeys P., Weis D. 2019. Diagenetic Housekeeping: Applying the ‘Perio-spot’ technique and ‘Perios-endos’ profiles to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical pre-treatment methods for old and cremated bone. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530, 330-344.
Scoates J.S., Wall C.J., Weis D., Friedman R.M., Amini M., Meurer, W.P. 2019. ‘The Stillwater Complex: Integrating Zircon Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Age, Emplacement History and Crystallization of a Large, Open-System Layered Intrusion’: A Reply to the Comment by Rais Latypov on Wall et al. (J. Petrology, 59, 153–190, 2018). Journal of Petrology, 60, 1099-1016.