e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

McMillan, R. et al. 2019

McMillan, R., Amini, M., Weis, D., 2019. Splitting obsidian: Assessing a multiproxy approach for sourcing obsidian artifacts in British Columbia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 102040.

Williamson, N.M.B. et al. 2019

Williamson, N.M.B., Weis, D., Scoates, J.S., Pelletier, H., Garcia, M.O., 2019. Tracking the Geochemical Transition Between the KeaDominated Northwest Hawaiian Ridge and the Bilateral LoaKea Trends of the Hawaiian Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems20, 4354-4369.

Skierszkan, E.K., et al. 2019

Skierszkan, E.K., Robertson, J.M., Lindsay, M.B.J., Stockwell, J.S., Dockrey, J.W., Das, S., Weis, D., Beckie, R.D., Mayer, K.U. 2019. Tracing molybdenum attenuation in mining environments using molybdenum stable isotopes. Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 5678-5686.

McMillan R., Snoeck C., de Winter NJ., et al. 2019

McMillan R., Snoeck C., de Winter NJ., Amini M., Claeys P., Weis D. 2019. Diagenetic Housekeeping: Applying the ‘Perio-spot’ technique and ‘Perios-endos’ profiles to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical pre-treatment methods for old and cremated bone. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530, 330-344.

Scoates J.S, Wall C.J., Weis D., et al. 2019

Scoates J.S., Wall C.J., Weis D., Friedman R.M., Amini M., Meurer, W.P. 2019. ‘The Stillwater Complex: Integrating Zircon Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Age, Emplacement History and Crystallization of a Large, Open-System Layered Intrusion’: A Reply to the Comment by Rais Latypov on Wall et al. (J. Petrology, 59, 153–190, 2018). Journal of Petrology, 60, 1099-1016.