e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

Patton, G.M., Francois, R., Weis, D. et al 2021

Patton, G.M., Francois, R., Weis, D., Hathorne, E., Gutjahr, M., Frank, M., Gordon, K. 2021. An experimental investigation of the acquisition of Nd by authigenic phases of marine sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 301.

Scoates et al. 2021

Scoates, J.S., Wall, C.J., Friedman, R.M., Weis, D., Mathez, E.A., VanTongeren, J.A. 2021. Dating the Bushveld Complex: Timing of crystallization, duration of magmatism, and cooling of the world’s largest layered intrusion and related rocks. Journal of Petrology, 62(2).

Fourny et al. 2020

Fourny, A., Scoates, J.S., Weis, D. and Amini, M. 2020. Testing for Pb isotopic differences between minerals in the Kiglapait layered intrusion by LA-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 537: 119475.

McMillan, R. et al. 2019

McMillan, R., Amini, M., Weis, D., 2019. Splitting obsidian: Assessing a multiproxy approach for sourcing obsidian artifacts in British Columbia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 28, 102040.

McMillan R., Snoeck C., de Winter NJ., et al. 2019

McMillan R., Snoeck C., de Winter NJ., Amini M., Claeys P., Weis D. 2019. Diagenetic Housekeeping: Applying the ‘Perio-spot’ technique and ‘Perios-endos’ profiles to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical pre-treatment methods for old and cremated bone. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530, 330-344.