Cornélis J-T., Weis D., Opfergelt S., Van Ranst E., Dumon M. 2019. Past and current geochemical conditions influence silicon isotope signatures of pedogenic clay minerals at the soil profile scale, Ethiopia. Chemical Geology, 524, 174-183.

Cornélis J-T., Weis D., Opfergelt S., Van Ranst E., Dumon M. 2019. Past and current geochemical conditions influence silicon isotope signatures of pedogenic clay minerals at the soil profile scale, Ethiopia. Chemical Geology, 524, 174-183.
Anais Fourny, DominiqueWeis and James S. 2019. ScoatesIsotopic and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Kiglapait Intrusion, Labrador: Deciphering the Mantle Source, Crustal Contributions and Processes Preserved in Mafic Layered Intrusions. Journal of Petrology, Vol. 60, No. 3, 553–590.
T.J. Ver Hoeve, J.S. Scoates, C.J. Wall, D. Weis, and M. Amini 2018. A Temperature-Composition Framework for Crystallization of Fractionated Interstitial Melt in the Bushveld Complex from Trace Element Systematics of Zircon and Rutile. Journal of Petrology, 59 (7), 1383–1416.
Bilenker, L.D., Weis, D., Scoates, J.S., and Perry, E. 2018. The Application of Stable Fe Isotopes to Magmatic Sulfide Systems: Constraints on the Fe Isotope Composition of Magmatic Pyrrhotite. Economic Geology, 113(5), 1181–1192.
D. Milidragovic, A. Zagorevski, D. Weis, N.Joyce, and J.B.Chapman 2018. Picrite “Intelligence” from the Middle-Late Triassic Stikine arc: Composition of mantle wedge asthenosphere. Lithos, Volume 308–309, Pages 446-461.