e-mail: dweis@eoas.ubc.ca
phone / tél.: 1-604-822.1697
mobile: 778-386.4466

Rukhlov, A.S. et al. 2020

Rukhlov, A.S., Fortin, G., Kaplenkov, G.N., Lett, R.E., Lai, V.W.-M., Weis, D. 2020. Multi-media geochemical and Pb isotopic evaluation of modern drainages on Vancouver Island. In: Geological Fieldwork 2019. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01, pp. 133-167.

Harpp and Weis, 2020

Harpp, K. and Weis, D. 2020. Insights into the origins and composition of mantle plumes: A comparison of Galápagos and Hawai’i. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21, e2019GC008887.

Smith, K.E., Weis, D., et al. 2020

Smith, K.E., Weis, D., Chauvel, C. and Moulin, S. 2020. Honey Maps the Pb Fallout from the 2019 Fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris: A Geochemical Perspective. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 7, 753-759. 

Smith, K.E. and Weis, D. 2020

Smith, K.E. and Weis, D. 2020. Evaluating Spatiotemporal Resolution of Trace Element Concentrations and Pb Isotopic Compositions of Honeybees and Hive Products as Biomonitors for Urban Metal Distribution. GeoHealth, v. 4(7): e2020GH000264.